Monday, May 2, 2016

Who Revolves Around Who?

The Sun, something so vital to our existence, to the way we live out our life. We have been taught about it ever since we were young, the blindingly bright sphere of fire that floated above us in the sky. The main source of energy on this Earth, the reason we are alive. Yet it isn’t grammatically correct to capitalize it. It is said to be spelled “the sun” but I am here to tell you differently.

We are to capitalize the first letter of our names because we are proper nouns. But in reality our significance is incomparable to the Sun’s. We are small individuals thriving off of the Sun and the Earth. We did not work for these things, they are our guardians, our care takers, what we actually need for survival. Yet us insignificant little destroyers of nature can’t even let the fucking Sun have a capital letter? We are so selfish, ignorant, self indulgent to the point we give our underserving selves capitalization yet the Sun and the Moon are to be uncapitalized.

Let’s play a little trivia: what would happen to the world if we suddenly disappeared? Whether you like it or not, this wouldn’t be a tragedy but rather a regular loss, in the Earth’s point of view anyways. Elimination of a species from Earth, it’s got it’s own word, extinction. That’s all it would be, another case of mass extinction. Next question: what would happen to the world if the Sun lost flame and flickered it’s last beam of light? This would change everything. Not only would we die, but the Earth would be on its way to losing every last species that inhabits it. Earth would be just another empty, cold, planet. So may I ask you now, which of us is more important? The Sun, or us as individuals?

Businesses, cars, magazines, books, countries, people, clothes lines, street signs, the list goes on and on. We throw capitalization at just about everything and anything in this world, significant or not. Except for the Sun. The one thing that deserves to be spelled as if it were the king of the world, because it was, because it is, because it always will be. Is it so hard for us humans to give the damn thing that keeps us alive a capital letter? So I realize my one blog post most likely won’t change the rule but if you read this all I’m asking you to do it take just a moment longer to when writing “the sun” and make it “the Sun.” And remember, the Sun doesn't revolve around us, we revolve around it. Therefore, do it for the thing that our life literally revolves around (Sun puns ?)

Photo courtesy: Houghton

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