Friday, May 13, 2016

My Final Post

Unfortunately, my blogging days are nearing an end. I may continue to post later on but not as much as I have been. So before I leave you until… well the next time I post (probably a while from now) I’m going to tell you how blogging has changed me. At the beginning of the year I had big hopes for my blog, such as posting every day. Later I found that it was better to post when I had something to rant about than to try to 2-3 times a week. Quality over quantity I suppose.

Being able to write out my problems has changed me in many ways, and I thank you all for reading and actively commenting on my posts. It truly has helped me know that I am not alone in this. One of the biggest things this blog has done for me is helped me realize what I want and what I need. I am making a big change in my life and moving to Salt Lake where my dad lives and my horse is boarded. My mom will be renting a house down there and I feel that it is going to relieve so much stress that the stretch of Parley’s canyon causes me. Lately I’ve been feeling like my life is so spread apart, things that I enjoy are mainly in my hometown, Salt Lake. It’s not that I don’t absolutely love and adore all of my friends in Park City, and it will be very hard to not see their faces every day. But I had to realize that this is a change I need to make for me.

So this is how I got to where I am right now. I have learned to share my problems with those I trust, and take action in trying to make myself happier and taking opportunities that I have and letting them prosper.

I hope that you have learned something from my blog too. Or at least been inspired in some sort of way. I do not just write for me, I write for the unwanted, unappreciated, unknown teenagers alike. But remember, someone in the world you might not even know yet needs you. You may feel unwanted, unappreciated, and unknown but your life has purpose. Maybe you will never find out what your purpose is but if you take nothing else away from my blog, at least take away the fact that you are important.

So thank you to all of my readers, you have helped me in ways you may never understand and I thank you for that.

Photo Courtesy: Word Press

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