Saturday, September 19, 2015

FOREWORD (the birth of this blog)

This blog was born thanks to Mr. Parker, my 9th grade honors English teacher, who assigned us to create a blog as our year round project. We were instructed to make a creative title, an About Me page, and a first post, or “Blog Assignment 1” that has to be 500 words for full credit. Not sure how I am supposed to have 500 words per post but I guess we’ll try. So far I’ve made a title, Classy Calico, and an About Me page, but the 500 word “Blog Assignment 1” is being quite a struggle. Also, before you judge my blog title like a normal human being would, let me explain. Calico cats are a breed of cat that only produces the under-credited females, and because I am a feminist that has a deep affection for animals, I decided that it fit.

I am very excited about writing this blog but slightly nervous that I will mess up. I will have a for sure schedule for Moral Monday's and Trump Tuesdays, but otherwise I will post at random if I have something to rant about. I will try my very best to post on those days although I do have a jumping lesson with my horse, Cadenza, on Tuesdays so I am not positive I will be able to make every one. My schedule will get even more chaotic in the winter time because I will be needing to get out to a place far far away from my house where I will be boarding Cadenza. Chances are I will also be occasionally training a gelding for my trainer to do small hunter and jumper courses so that we are at a lesser lack of horses (plus I’ll be getting more experience for myself.)

 If you were wondering what Trump Tuesdays are here’s a small explanation. Trump Tuesdays are going to be where I talk about everything in the world that sucks equally as much as Trump, Trump himself, and even things that are worst than Donald Trump… if that’s even possible. Moral Mondays are the opposite, they will be the day that I post good things that are going on in the world, things to make you happy on the worst day of the week. Who couldn’t use a nice update on great things happening in the world on a Monday morning to make your day start a little better?

My goal will be to make your Mondays a little better, and well I guess make you Tuesdays a little worse… ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ If I for some reason can not post I will try to get one of my better friends to log on for me and paste in the post. I don't think I'll have too much trouble finding things to post on my Trump Tuesdays because quite frankly, I have a list of all of the things that I hate that is longer than the school year. All in all, I hope that you'll get a few laughs and maybe even a few tears out of my blog. Perhaps you might even scream at your family at the dinner table after reading Trump Tuesday or one of my rants that anger you just that much. Thanks for reading!

Visit this website for further explanation on Calico cats!